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Sakae Sushi (APEX-PAL (M) SDN. BHD)
Sakae Sushi was founded in the year of 1997 at Singapore and branch out their first outlet at The Curve Damansara in year 2005. Nowadays Sakae Sushi has established 25 branches in Malaysia.
Interviewee :
Mr.Ng Woei Haur – Assistant IT Manager of Sakae Sushi restaurant
“IRS F&B System has helped us to save almost 60% of our time.”
“IRS餐饮系统提供的便利是在时间上,我们省了很多时间, 基本上都有60%。”
“IRS F&B System is able to print voucher on receipt and its environmental friendly.”
“IRS 餐饮系统能在账单上印出固本, 这是个环保的功能。”
“IRS is a company with passion. When we have new ideas, the P.I.C will brainstorm and discuss with us.”
“IRS 是一间充满热诚的公司。当我们有新的想法时,负责人会与我们进行讨论。”
Bake With Yen
Bake with Yen is established in 1987 and known as one of the largest provider of quality bakery and confectionery ingredients. Now have 6 outlets mostly at KL and 1 at Ipoh.
Interviewee :
Lim Ser Siang - Business Development Manager
Christie - Manager
“We can trace out what we sold within a minute and also whenever we given goods over”
“The one thing of IRS system is easier for us to extract to excel file compare with old system”
“IRS电脑收银管理系统中的其中功能让我们能轻易将资料摘录成Excel 格式”
“The Multi Store System right now you can actually check base even your own branch no matter where you are you can in the way in conveniently ”
“Multi Store System让你也可以随意在任何地方查验自己所有的分行”
G.S.T Hardware Sdn. Bhd. (Hardware shop)Bake With Yen
Brief description for G.S.T. Hardware
Specialize in safety product, hand tools, paints, building materials, electrical products, general hardware, marine products, oil and gas product.
6 branches (oug, sri petaling, pj, pjs, puchong, machinery)
a hardware shop that need to manage more than 20,000 items everyday.
Interviewee: Goh Sian Tao (founder of g.S.T. Hardware)
“In hardware industry, everyone face problem on price adjustment and stock management. I doubt like others on POS system until I start using IRS POS system. ”
“I’m hopeless in computer. At first, I worry on handling the POS system but eventually I give it a try on IRS POS system because I understand that traditional way of business management unable to help me expand the business anymore. Now, all staff manage to use the POS system even a foreign worker.”
“I no need to spend whole day at hardware shop anymore.”
“我再也不需要整天留在五金店里 管理我的生意了.”
Crystal Coner (Crystal Shop)
Crystal Corner is a crystal chain store with 7 retail outlets in Malaysia. Crystal Corner are well known for the best quality semi precious stones, uniquely designed crystal jewelry. Free consultation on crystal and gem stones provided. Besides that, Crystal Corner offers varieties of crystal home deco items such as crystal trees, crystal ornaments and raw minerals. Astrology and Feng Shui services provided by appointment.
“Before we use IRS POS System, we need to update the stock one by one manually wasted tons of time.”
“As a boss definitely I would like to know all branches daily sales, last time, we need to assign our staff to update us by SMS. With IRS POS system, I can check my sales ANYTIME and ANYWHERE as long as I have a smart phone with internet access.”
"A good point of sales system will definitely reduce your burden and help you to expand your retail business.”
Maxvalue Store Sdn. Bhd. (Mini Market)
Maxvalue Store Sdn. Bhd. established since year 2002 and now they have 30 outlets in Malaysia. This is a testimonial interview with Director of Maxvalue Store Sdn. Bhd. – Mr. Terry Lim.
"I has used IRS Point of Sales system (POS system) to manage 30 outlets for 3 years, it’s user friendly and if you plan to have a POS system, IRS POS system definitely is a good choice for you.”
“IRS POS System able to provide daily, monthly and yearly sales report and it helps me to make decision on outlets inventory amount.”
Smarter Suite Sdn. Bhd. (Boutique)
SMART MASTER brand was established in 1999 by DICKSON PHANG, a well experienced tailor, who spent 15 years in tailoring line before he created his masterpiece label ---- SMART MASTER. The company began as a specialty store which offers ready made and tailor made tailor made SMART MASTER labeled men's career wear. In year 2002, he founded SMASTER SUIT SDN BHD to undertake the expansion of SMART MASTER brand's business. Over the years, the SMART MASTER brand has expanded from career wear to various lines of merchandise such as casual apparels, leisure wear, suits, ties, jackets, shoes, belts and accessories. Dickson Phang (Founder of Smaster Suit Sdn Bhd)
“IRS simplify the way on doing business, avoid on manual check stock and calculation.”
“IRS 将生意简单化,不必像以往用人手写和计算。”
“At least it has increase of save 50% of the time.”
“IRS 起码帮我省回一半的时间”
“I’ll check the daily sales report through my mobile phone everyday”
“Replenishment within 15 branches can be done at the same time”
“IRS keep improving and upgrading to assist the customer. Now, IRS is above the money’s worth.”
“经过IRS 每一年的改良和提升。现在我觉得物超所值。”
LS Music Sdn Bhd (music School)
LS Music Sdn Bhd is located at Lot 1-17, 1st Floor, Wangsa Walk Mall, 9, Jalan Wangsa Perdana 1, Bandar Wangsa Maju, 53000 Kuala Lumpur. LS Music Sdn Bhd provides all range of different musical instruments and classes; piano and electone, strings, woodwinds, brass, percussions, and guitars. Also selling different kind of music accessories and books.
Interviewee: Cona Liong Bee Pin (LS Music Product Manager) & Tang Yoon Meng
(LS Music General Manager)
“IRS Software able to help our company to reduce manpower, save time and record all the data accurately”.
“IRS 电脑收银管理系统替我们公司减少了很多人力资源与时间,之重要的是准确性的替我们输入货物的资料.”
Y&E Biker's World (M) Sdn Bhd (Motorcycle Accessories Shop)
Y&E Biker's World (M) Sdn Bhd is a retail shop for motorcycle parts, accessories and repair service. This company founded in November 2009 by Yuko Murase and Mr. Tan Kah Fat. At this moment, there are 6 branches in Selagor area. Number of items is around 11,000.
Y&E Biker's World's staff said:
"IRS Point of Sales helping us to manage stock easily and control business transaction"
The Transformation of small retailer shops (TUKAR)
The Transformation of small retailer shops (TUKAR) is a government project that aims to modernize traditional mini market to help them increase the level of competitiveness. Moreover, IRS Software Sdn. Bhd. has implement more than 100 TUKAR projects with TESCO. Furthermore, this video clip is showing one of us customer (PASAR MINI CHOP KIM KEE) has been interviewed by 8TV.
Lieong Kee Bae Good Teh
Interviewee :
Mr. Ah Yuan - Restaurant Owner
“IRS F&B system has made our business easier in many ways.”
“IRS 餐饮系统为我们带来很多方便。